How to create and run effective school crisis teams

How to show up at the mental health professional to IEP meetings
(report writing, professionalism and meeting participation)

How to create and progress monitor social emotional focused SMART Goals and Progress Monitoring

How to run effective school counseling groups in schools

Speaking Engagements

Jocelyn Sailor, LCSW is a dynamic clinical social worker who has facilitated workshops, moderated panels, and guest lectured in various settings, both in person and virtually for school districts, colleges and universities, agencies, local organizations and small businesses. Jocelyn’s professionalism and engaging personality will keep your audience engaged, inspired and empowered. Jocelyn’s expertise ranges from adolescent mental health, school social work, self care and wellness for educators and social emotional learning.


Previous Workshops

Pandemic Parenting and Teen Mental Health

Self Care and Wellness for Educators

Mental Health in the Virtual World

Power of the Pause 

Heart Health and Mental Health Connection

Vision for the Soul Virtual Vision Board Party

New Year New Us - Self Care and Self Love 

How to run successful therapeutic groups in the school setting

Guest Lecture

Springfield Technical Community College

Westfield State University 


Unapologetically Radical 2019 - Panelist

Field Fest - Get Right Within 2021

Unapologetically Radical 2022 - Moderator